Monday, September 29, 2008

Fed Bailout Failure: Why Is It Bad?

I'm astonished. The federal government failed to spend $700 Billion of my (and your) money to bail out poorly-run corporations and financial institutions and everyone is upset. Why? I understand the whole stock market crisis (another reason I own no stock), and that overall the financial industry needs some confidence.

I don't want my tax dollars going to help the private financial industry -- I'm never going to get any returns on that money if it actually works, and we're most likely going to enter a recession anyways.

What is amazing is that 2/3 of Republicans voted against the bill, and 2/3 of Democrats voted for it, but still, John McCain and Barack Obama are upset it didn't pass. Is anyone else confused?

The polls I've seen indicate the American people resoundingly don't want our tax dollars used to help corporations, yet both presidential candidates do, and they've both said they'll work hard until it's done.

I guess when rich people in Washington start losing money, the politicians will run from all over to help them.


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