Monday, June 16, 2008

Ooh Ooh Ooh Look at Me I'm Green!!!

Honda has shipped the first Clarity, their new fuel cell car. The zero-emission (well, ok, it emits water) vehicle is apparently on some boat somewhere floating towards Hollywood. Now, nothing against Honda, but the response to this is going to make me laugh for a while.

The first to jump out of their seats are the stars in Hollywood, who apparently, are eager to rid themselves of their Prius in order to make an even bolder statement - Hydrogen baby.

Of course, you can't exactly buy Hydrogen just anywhere (I think you have to find a Zepplin BP), but does that matter, of course not, you could be pushing your...ahem....having your butler push you around in your Clarity and you'd still be seen driving it....and after all, that's all that really matters.

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