Friday, July 25, 2008

Conservatives: Obama's Popularity Abroad Should Worry Americans

Apparently the conservatives are so desperate for something to have on Obama that they have now decided that his popularity abroad should worry folks here at home. This is not surprising, as the GOP has failed in every test of international approval in the past eight years. They're not sure if the sun will come up in the morning if people overseas don't despise America.

I, for one, think it's appealing. Obama can actually talk, I might not have to shake my head every time I see the President speaking on TV. Obama might begin the long (and probably impossible) task of reversing some of the hatred brought on by W.

Get over it, it's OK if non-Americans like him too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What We Used to Not Know, Was Better Hidden

The information age is catching most people by surprise. Especially teachers.

Yahoo Screws Music Users, Takes DRM Servers Down

Here's the problem, all of these companies, music, software, etc, have these servers that "authorize" the buyer to use the content they BOUGHT.

In this example, Yahoo uses DRM license servers to authenticate music files before they can be played on a customer's computer. Yahoo has announced they're closing their music store and taking the DRM servers down -- meaning that if you bought music from Yahoo, you won't be able to play it. Even though, you bought it.

Microsoft faces the same problem with Windows XP. We've already seen how hard it has been (and still is) for them to get people to accept that Vista really is the best they can do, and they won't let you keep using XP. It's only a matter of time before Microsoft takes the "activation" servers for XP offline. When this happens, all copies of Windows XP will stop working. Yes, they really will, because XP "phones home" every once in a while to make sure you're still authorized to use it.

All of this active authentication, such as DRM and/or software activation has only one purpose - to annoy and screw legally abiding users.

Troubled Banks Selling All They Can

Apparently some troubled banks in the country are wildly looking for capital, some by selling anything they can.

Note to everyone: if your bank suddenly has no desks.....well....give that some thought.

Unequal Law: Russia Can't Base Nuclear Bombers in Cuba

Once again the US has made a mockery of itsself in saying that Russia (you know, the former communists) is not allowed to place Tu-95 "Bear" nuclear bombers in Cuba (that island 90 miles from Florida where the cigars come from).

One might remember that the last time Russia (then the USSR) placed some "no-no's" in Cuba, the US setup a blockade around the island.

The USSR placed nuclear missles in Cuba in 1962 because we had nuclear missiles in Turkey (less than 90 miles from the USSR). Of course, we were fine with keeping them there, and we didn't let the Soviet's have a say. But when they tried some of the same -- oh no!

Now, I'm not saying the Cuban Missle Crisis was a good thing, it could have nuked this planet before I was born (obviously bad). However, it's rediculous to think that the US is allowed to do something that some other country isn't.

Oh, by the way, invading Iraq is another prime example.

More news.

CBS Violates Own Policy to Help McCain

Apparently, Obama news is too much even for CBS. They recently edited an interview with Republican presidential nominee John McCain to make McCain seem like he knew the timeline of the surge in Iraq.

See the whole story, and the unedited video.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Elderly Driving: Novak v. Pedestrian

No word on the outcome yet, but I'm betting Novak, assisted by his Corvette, won the battle.

Novak was flagged down by a lawyer on a bicycle (curious, yes) and was told he could not hit someone and then drive away.

Novak claims he didn't know he hit someone. Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear's assessment of the Corvette's handling begs to differ.

Lesbians are Still Lesbians

It's okay to call lesbians lesbians, says Greek court.

Young Republicans Frustrated

Perhaps the candidate that never gets online should learn.....

"Voters under 30 are more than twice as likely to identify themselves as Democrats, according to the most recent Washington Post-ABC News poll."

""Conservatives haven't been in the right place to get the message to young voters," Austin Walne, 22, says, sipping his beer. "Young people who just got into the workforce don't care about the tax rate, but they have to fill up their gas tank and turn on the AC in their studio apartment. Energy is a big winner for us if we can communicate it well." "

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crummy Old iPhone

I love it, Apple is set to release the new iPhone 3G this week, so EcoGeek (a combination of tree-huggers and Mac soldiers) publishes an article on what to do with your "Old Crummy iPhone."

I wasn't aware the first iPhone was so crummy....wonder why you all bought one?

Bush Admin Refuses Iraqi Govt Call for Withdrawl

Yes, you read that right, the Bush administrations' conceived government for Iraq has made a formal request to the White House for a date for US troops to be withdrawn from the country. Bush has refused.

Hybrid Cars are Dangerous

The Japanese labor bureau has concluded that a Toyota engineer working on the Camry Hybrid worked himself to death.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

European USAF Tanker Bid Re-Opened

This country can't handle it, the US Air Force awarded a multi-billion dollar deal to Airbus and EADS for the new KC-X tanker project to replace the Boeing 707-based KC-135 currently in service. Boeing bid with the KC-767 variant of the widebody 767 airliner (which is slated for replacement by the 787 next year). Boeing lost to Airbus's A330-based tanker.

This deal has now been re-opened by the Air Force, allowing Boeing to re-bid the project.

Clinton Campaign Angry that Obama Supporters Aren't Paying

This blows my mind. The Obama campaign nicely and professionally asked his supporters who had maxed-out on donations to donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign to help her retire her $23 million in debt, and they aren't.

Of course they aren't....why would they? I'm not going to, forget it. Hillary stayed in the race entirely too long, she may have cost Obama the win in November, even now as she tries and helps him. Hillary could have saved most of that $23 million by not staying in the race as long as she did, Obama supporters know that and resent her for it.

Now, some say that Hillary's supporters would rather vote for McCain than for Barack since she lost the nomination to him, that's just foolish. If they want to be upset, fine, but it's not worth screwing the country with four more years of Republican dictatorship.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Voicemail is Dead?

Techcrunch writer Michael Arrington says voicemail is dead and everyone should stop leaving messages for others.

I love it when someone (usually a hippie) decides that because they don't like some technology that noone else uses it. I for one love voicemail, I use it daily, practically hourly to communicate with many people, and many people use it to communicate with me.

Why? For one, it's free, no annoying text messaging fees (I hate text messaging), it's more accessible than email, and it works even when my cell phone is turned off, out of range, or out of juice.

Just a note...if you're calling me, and don't leave a voicemail, I won't return your call, because you obviously had no reason for calling in the first place.

Voicemail is not dead, no more so than land-line phones are dead.

The $4 "Tumble"

CNN reports that oil prices have "tumbled" by $4.00 a barrel. Excuse me, but I don't think this qualifies as a "tumble."

If the new TV I want changes from $2,399 to $499, THAT's a tumble. A $140 barrel of oil suddenly becoming $136 is more like a 24-hour semi-annual never-having-it-again sale.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cellphone law may not make roads safer

No shit? You mean hands-free devices don't fix the problem? I would have never guessed.

Some highlights:

"the new law doesn't specifically prohibit text-messaging while driving for those 18 and older."

"Banning handheld cell phones has a big effect on making people feel good about passing a law," Radar said. "Whether it's going to increase safety on the roads is doubtful."

Oh well, I guess the California politicians can feel good about themselves, and the police get to give more tickets, which always makes them happy.