Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Clinton Campaign Angry that Obama Supporters Aren't Paying

This blows my mind. The Obama campaign nicely and professionally asked his supporters who had maxed-out on donations to donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign to help her retire her $23 million in debt, and they aren't.

Of course they aren't....why would they? I'm not going to, forget it. Hillary stayed in the race entirely too long, she may have cost Obama the win in November, even now as she tries and helps him. Hillary could have saved most of that $23 million by not staying in the race as long as she did, Obama supporters know that and resent her for it.

Now, some say that Hillary's supporters would rather vote for McCain than for Barack since she lost the nomination to him, that's just foolish. If they want to be upset, fine, but it's not worth screwing the country with four more years of Republican dictatorship.

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