Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin to be McCain's Number Two

John McCain has announced Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska to be his running mate. The first-term governor only met McCain in March.

On the front, this may seem to be bad for the Dems', as Palin's youth (she's 44) and inexperience contrasts with McCain's old, grumpy message. However, sources for the Washington Post indicated that hard-core conservatives aren't happy -- especially Romney, who had been the expected choice.

the Palin pick left bruised feelings among the short-list contenders who were not picked -- and infuriated some Republican officials who privately said McCain had gone out on a limb, unnecessarily, without laying the groundwork for such an unknown. Two senior Republican officials close to Romney and Pawlenty said they had both been rudely strung along and now "feel manipulated."

Obviously trying to pickup younger voters and women, McCain's strategy may backfire where he needs it most -- the GOP base. The world can only hope.

McCain: Noone Is Uninsured

Yes, you read that right. Not directly from McCain, but rather one of the guys that wrote his health care plan, John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis. Mr. Goodman says that no American is uninsured because they have access to the ER at any hospital - which, by law, cannot turn a patient away for inability to pay.

Mr. Goodman also says that the Census Bureau is the leading culprit of the "crisis."

"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.

"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."

That's right fellow American's, the problem, once again, is all in your head. You really are insured. So just head over to the local ER for that checkup you've been needing for a while, or that liver transplant that has been ordered. Be sure you look sick though, because the ER can turn you away if you don't appear to need "immediate care."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Orlean's Residents Packing Heat for Oncoming Storm

If there's one thing that Katrina taught the residents of New Orleans, it's that you have to fend for yourself, because the police will run and the government will ignore you.

This seems to have stuck.

The AR-15 rifle is currently the hottest-selling item in sporting goods stores in and around New Orleans as Hurricane Gustav bears down on the as yet not rebuilt city.

The World Watches

Barack Obama is poised to deliver his acceptance speech tonight at mile-high stadium in Denver, CO. With the world, well, except Fox Noise, watching, Obama will attempt to rally the Democrats and push himself ahead of John McCain in the polls.

Why do I mention this? Because I still believe that Barack will lose the November election purely because he's black. I don't think this country can do it. We'd like to believe we can, we'd like to believe that we really aren't racists anymore; but we are.

Obama is a strong candidate, but I don't think it matters. He's a good guy, but I don't think it matters. He knows how to speak, and he might just deliver on some of the promises made this week, but I don't think it matters.

This country faces four more years of the Bush-McCain failed policy, suspension of our rights, and exploitation of our troops abroad if Obama is unable to overcome this country's underlying commitment to racism. This election, as in all elections, is important. But more importantly, I think we may be early enough in the game to prevent this country from turning into the next Nazi state.

We're already on our way, the government can now arrest you without cause and detain you without explanation....these are the first steps people. The first steps to oppression. Do not let history repeat itself.

It's time for Barack. It's time for change. And it's time to show the world that not all of us are pigs over here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What's Up with Wal-Mart?

The story broke a few days ago that apparently Wal-Mart is strongly suggesting that having a Democratic President would be bad, as it would most likely make it easier for its hourly workers to unionize, something Wal-Mart would like to avoid.

Now, I should set a few things straight. I have nothing against Wal-Mart. I even worked there for a few years. I don't think they need a union, and I don't think they treat workers unfairly. However, Wal-Mart is right, passing any sort of legislation making it easier to unionize, would probably bring about a union. This would be bad for all of us, because Wal-Mart's prices would have to increase. I for one, could do without that.

However, the mixed message comes from news that Wal-Mart is giving more money to Democrats than Republicans. Why? I think the answer is simple. Wal-Mart knows the Senate and House will most likely remain in Democratic hands this November, why pay-off someone who won't be around to fight for you?

ER Wait Times Now One Hour

This is what happens when your healthcare system is based on profit.

McCain Avoiding Issues?

The charge has been made the John McCain's Paris Hilton ad against challenger Barack Obama is a personification of McCain's inability to capture the average American on real issues. I think McCain knows that as long as people are confused, they're less likely to vote for Obama. Barack has to get the country back on topic. This election should be about the real issues. Bush's Iraq war, the oil companies, and the economy. Issues, people. They're what matters when the election is over.

Top Republican Praises Obama's Positive Message

Governor Tim Pawlenty praised Barack Obama's positive attitude today. Apparently the consistently negative McCain is getting to him.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Offshore Drilling

I ventured to today and found that over 60% of respondents on the poll, "Will offshore drilling lower gas prices in the short term?" were positive. WHAT?!?

Offshore drilling, while I am in favor of it, will not lower gas prices in the short term. Why? Because oil companies are the ones who will decide if they really are going to drill there. They would not do something that's going to cut into record-breaking profits.

What noone has figured out yet is that gas prices are directly subject to the availability of alternative fuels. Take E85, for example (which, by the way, is not a solution). If E85 starts out-selling gas (which it won't), the oil companies will lower the cost of gas just enough to make E85 the same price or higher. Bingo....problem solved...most people will switch back to gasoline (it yeilds better mileage anyways).