Friday, October 31, 2008

Religious Right: Teen Pregnancy OK as Long as No Abortion

As someone who supports sex ed and safe sex, I was amazed that the religious right didn't have more of a negative reaction to Sarah Palin's teen daughter's out-of-wedlock pregnancy which was revealed shortly after McCain named her as his running mate.

The New Yorker magazine is running an article on this very thing today which got me thinking.

Now, don't get me wrong, if I had a teenage daughter who became pregnant, I'd be nothing but supportive; however, the concept of it, to me, is wrong. Not because I believe teenagers shouldn't have sex, but rather that I believe they should be taught that anything but safe sex is unacceptable.

I do not follow the concept of not teaching sex ed and safe sex to our young Americans. Bristol Palin was, no doubt, never taught that condoms are a must if you're having sex. She was no doubt taught that children are something for marriage only, but given no alternative to unprotected sex.

The New Yorker reports that more than half of evangelical young females who take the abstinence pledge, usually by exchanging rings with their fathers, break that pledge; and usually not with their eventual husbands.

So what does this mean? Well, to me, like most things, it's easy to put on a show for the public (as I believe most overly-religious people do), but when it comes to what you do behind closed doors, those pledges don't mean so much.

Again, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good people, and plenty of good people on the right who actually do what they pledge (at least half or so of the young women too); the point being the public is more willing than ever to say one thing and do another.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Only The Final Score Counts

Is He Too Much?

Politico suggests today that Obama's upcoming "infomercial" on national TV may be overkill for some voters. Can't say I disagree with that, but I'm not sure it'll hurt him any. He's gotten alot of press for doing this, and for having far more donations than McCain. Some often say there is no such thing as bad press (I don't really believe that), but this could come close.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fed Bailout Failure: Why Is It Bad?

I'm astonished. The federal government failed to spend $700 Billion of my (and your) money to bail out poorly-run corporations and financial institutions and everyone is upset. Why? I understand the whole stock market crisis (another reason I own no stock), and that overall the financial industry needs some confidence.

I don't want my tax dollars going to help the private financial industry -- I'm never going to get any returns on that money if it actually works, and we're most likely going to enter a recession anyways.

What is amazing is that 2/3 of Republicans voted against the bill, and 2/3 of Democrats voted for it, but still, John McCain and Barack Obama are upset it didn't pass. Is anyone else confused?

The polls I've seen indicate the American people resoundingly don't want our tax dollars used to help corporations, yet both presidential candidates do, and they've both said they'll work hard until it's done.

I guess when rich people in Washington start losing money, the politicians will run from all over to help them.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Fox News vs. Sarah Palin

Don't worry, they were against her before they were for her....

Thank you Sarah Palin

Obama makes $10 million from speech....GOP....$1M.

McCain Forgets Republicans are Running the Show

John McCain stood at the RNC last night promising change -- but.....he seems to think that Republicans are the underdogs fighting to gain power....someone should tell him they already have it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin Brings Shame to GOP

Ok, so her daughter's pregnant, that's not really the issue I'm upset about. Although I happen to believe that teen pregnancy is 99% the parent's fault, Barack is right in that attacks on the family are not part of the election process.

However, the thought that Palin will bring the former Hillary supporters into the GOP camp is absurd. How stupid do the Republican's think women are? How degrading is it to see McCain do something so blatently obvious -- he's picked a rookie as a VP when his camp could do nothing but attack Obama for being a newcomer himself.

As John Kerry said -- talk about being for something before you are against it........ugh.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin to be McCain's Number Two

John McCain has announced Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska to be his running mate. The first-term governor only met McCain in March.

On the front, this may seem to be bad for the Dems', as Palin's youth (she's 44) and inexperience contrasts with McCain's old, grumpy message. However, sources for the Washington Post indicated that hard-core conservatives aren't happy -- especially Romney, who had been the expected choice.

the Palin pick left bruised feelings among the short-list contenders who were not picked -- and infuriated some Republican officials who privately said McCain had gone out on a limb, unnecessarily, without laying the groundwork for such an unknown. Two senior Republican officials close to Romney and Pawlenty said they had both been rudely strung along and now "feel manipulated."

Obviously trying to pickup younger voters and women, McCain's strategy may backfire where he needs it most -- the GOP base. The world can only hope.

McCain: Noone Is Uninsured

Yes, you read that right. Not directly from McCain, but rather one of the guys that wrote his health care plan, John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis. Mr. Goodman says that no American is uninsured because they have access to the ER at any hospital - which, by law, cannot turn a patient away for inability to pay.

Mr. Goodman also says that the Census Bureau is the leading culprit of the "crisis."

"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.

"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."

That's right fellow American's, the problem, once again, is all in your head. You really are insured. So just head over to the local ER for that checkup you've been needing for a while, or that liver transplant that has been ordered. Be sure you look sick though, because the ER can turn you away if you don't appear to need "immediate care."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Orlean's Residents Packing Heat for Oncoming Storm

If there's one thing that Katrina taught the residents of New Orleans, it's that you have to fend for yourself, because the police will run and the government will ignore you.

This seems to have stuck.

The AR-15 rifle is currently the hottest-selling item in sporting goods stores in and around New Orleans as Hurricane Gustav bears down on the as yet not rebuilt city.

The World Watches

Barack Obama is poised to deliver his acceptance speech tonight at mile-high stadium in Denver, CO. With the world, well, except Fox Noise, watching, Obama will attempt to rally the Democrats and push himself ahead of John McCain in the polls.

Why do I mention this? Because I still believe that Barack will lose the November election purely because he's black. I don't think this country can do it. We'd like to believe we can, we'd like to believe that we really aren't racists anymore; but we are.

Obama is a strong candidate, but I don't think it matters. He's a good guy, but I don't think it matters. He knows how to speak, and he might just deliver on some of the promises made this week, but I don't think it matters.

This country faces four more years of the Bush-McCain failed policy, suspension of our rights, and exploitation of our troops abroad if Obama is unable to overcome this country's underlying commitment to racism. This election, as in all elections, is important. But more importantly, I think we may be early enough in the game to prevent this country from turning into the next Nazi state.

We're already on our way, the government can now arrest you without cause and detain you without explanation....these are the first steps people. The first steps to oppression. Do not let history repeat itself.

It's time for Barack. It's time for change. And it's time to show the world that not all of us are pigs over here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What's Up with Wal-Mart?

The story broke a few days ago that apparently Wal-Mart is strongly suggesting that having a Democratic President would be bad, as it would most likely make it easier for its hourly workers to unionize, something Wal-Mart would like to avoid.

Now, I should set a few things straight. I have nothing against Wal-Mart. I even worked there for a few years. I don't think they need a union, and I don't think they treat workers unfairly. However, Wal-Mart is right, passing any sort of legislation making it easier to unionize, would probably bring about a union. This would be bad for all of us, because Wal-Mart's prices would have to increase. I for one, could do without that.

However, the mixed message comes from news that Wal-Mart is giving more money to Democrats than Republicans. Why? I think the answer is simple. Wal-Mart knows the Senate and House will most likely remain in Democratic hands this November, why pay-off someone who won't be around to fight for you?

ER Wait Times Now One Hour

This is what happens when your healthcare system is based on profit.

McCain Avoiding Issues?

The charge has been made the John McCain's Paris Hilton ad against challenger Barack Obama is a personification of McCain's inability to capture the average American on real issues. I think McCain knows that as long as people are confused, they're less likely to vote for Obama. Barack has to get the country back on topic. This election should be about the real issues. Bush's Iraq war, the oil companies, and the economy. Issues, people. They're what matters when the election is over.

Top Republican Praises Obama's Positive Message

Governor Tim Pawlenty praised Barack Obama's positive attitude today. Apparently the consistently negative McCain is getting to him.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Offshore Drilling

I ventured to today and found that over 60% of respondents on the poll, "Will offshore drilling lower gas prices in the short term?" were positive. WHAT?!?

Offshore drilling, while I am in favor of it, will not lower gas prices in the short term. Why? Because oil companies are the ones who will decide if they really are going to drill there. They would not do something that's going to cut into record-breaking profits.

What noone has figured out yet is that gas prices are directly subject to the availability of alternative fuels. Take E85, for example (which, by the way, is not a solution). If E85 starts out-selling gas (which it won't), the oil companies will lower the cost of gas just enough to make E85 the same price or higher. Bingo....problem solved...most people will switch back to gasoline (it yeilds better mileage anyways).

Friday, July 25, 2008

Conservatives: Obama's Popularity Abroad Should Worry Americans

Apparently the conservatives are so desperate for something to have on Obama that they have now decided that his popularity abroad should worry folks here at home. This is not surprising, as the GOP has failed in every test of international approval in the past eight years. They're not sure if the sun will come up in the morning if people overseas don't despise America.

I, for one, think it's appealing. Obama can actually talk, I might not have to shake my head every time I see the President speaking on TV. Obama might begin the long (and probably impossible) task of reversing some of the hatred brought on by W.

Get over it, it's OK if non-Americans like him too.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What We Used to Not Know, Was Better Hidden

The information age is catching most people by surprise. Especially teachers.

Yahoo Screws Music Users, Takes DRM Servers Down

Here's the problem, all of these companies, music, software, etc, have these servers that "authorize" the buyer to use the content they BOUGHT.

In this example, Yahoo uses DRM license servers to authenticate music files before they can be played on a customer's computer. Yahoo has announced they're closing their music store and taking the DRM servers down -- meaning that if you bought music from Yahoo, you won't be able to play it. Even though, you bought it.

Microsoft faces the same problem with Windows XP. We've already seen how hard it has been (and still is) for them to get people to accept that Vista really is the best they can do, and they won't let you keep using XP. It's only a matter of time before Microsoft takes the "activation" servers for XP offline. When this happens, all copies of Windows XP will stop working. Yes, they really will, because XP "phones home" every once in a while to make sure you're still authorized to use it.

All of this active authentication, such as DRM and/or software activation has only one purpose - to annoy and screw legally abiding users.

Troubled Banks Selling All They Can

Apparently some troubled banks in the country are wildly looking for capital, some by selling anything they can.

Note to everyone: if your bank suddenly has no desks.....well....give that some thought.

Unequal Law: Russia Can't Base Nuclear Bombers in Cuba

Once again the US has made a mockery of itsself in saying that Russia (you know, the former communists) is not allowed to place Tu-95 "Bear" nuclear bombers in Cuba (that island 90 miles from Florida where the cigars come from).

One might remember that the last time Russia (then the USSR) placed some "no-no's" in Cuba, the US setup a blockade around the island.

The USSR placed nuclear missles in Cuba in 1962 because we had nuclear missiles in Turkey (less than 90 miles from the USSR). Of course, we were fine with keeping them there, and we didn't let the Soviet's have a say. But when they tried some of the same -- oh no!

Now, I'm not saying the Cuban Missle Crisis was a good thing, it could have nuked this planet before I was born (obviously bad). However, it's rediculous to think that the US is allowed to do something that some other country isn't.

Oh, by the way, invading Iraq is another prime example.

More news.

CBS Violates Own Policy to Help McCain

Apparently, Obama news is too much even for CBS. They recently edited an interview with Republican presidential nominee John McCain to make McCain seem like he knew the timeline of the surge in Iraq.

See the whole story, and the unedited video.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Elderly Driving: Novak v. Pedestrian

No word on the outcome yet, but I'm betting Novak, assisted by his Corvette, won the battle.

Novak was flagged down by a lawyer on a bicycle (curious, yes) and was told he could not hit someone and then drive away.

Novak claims he didn't know he hit someone. Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear's assessment of the Corvette's handling begs to differ.

Lesbians are Still Lesbians

It's okay to call lesbians lesbians, says Greek court.

Young Republicans Frustrated

Perhaps the candidate that never gets online should learn.....

"Voters under 30 are more than twice as likely to identify themselves as Democrats, according to the most recent Washington Post-ABC News poll."

""Conservatives haven't been in the right place to get the message to young voters," Austin Walne, 22, says, sipping his beer. "Young people who just got into the workforce don't care about the tax rate, but they have to fill up their gas tank and turn on the AC in their studio apartment. Energy is a big winner for us if we can communicate it well." "

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crummy Old iPhone

I love it, Apple is set to release the new iPhone 3G this week, so EcoGeek (a combination of tree-huggers and Mac soldiers) publishes an article on what to do with your "Old Crummy iPhone."

I wasn't aware the first iPhone was so crummy....wonder why you all bought one?

Bush Admin Refuses Iraqi Govt Call for Withdrawl

Yes, you read that right, the Bush administrations' conceived government for Iraq has made a formal request to the White House for a date for US troops to be withdrawn from the country. Bush has refused.

Hybrid Cars are Dangerous

The Japanese labor bureau has concluded that a Toyota engineer working on the Camry Hybrid worked himself to death.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

European USAF Tanker Bid Re-Opened

This country can't handle it, the US Air Force awarded a multi-billion dollar deal to Airbus and EADS for the new KC-X tanker project to replace the Boeing 707-based KC-135 currently in service. Boeing bid with the KC-767 variant of the widebody 767 airliner (which is slated for replacement by the 787 next year). Boeing lost to Airbus's A330-based tanker.

This deal has now been re-opened by the Air Force, allowing Boeing to re-bid the project.

Clinton Campaign Angry that Obama Supporters Aren't Paying

This blows my mind. The Obama campaign nicely and professionally asked his supporters who had maxed-out on donations to donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign to help her retire her $23 million in debt, and they aren't.

Of course they aren't....why would they? I'm not going to, forget it. Hillary stayed in the race entirely too long, she may have cost Obama the win in November, even now as she tries and helps him. Hillary could have saved most of that $23 million by not staying in the race as long as she did, Obama supporters know that and resent her for it.

Now, some say that Hillary's supporters would rather vote for McCain than for Barack since she lost the nomination to him, that's just foolish. If they want to be upset, fine, but it's not worth screwing the country with four more years of Republican dictatorship.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Voicemail is Dead?

Techcrunch writer Michael Arrington says voicemail is dead and everyone should stop leaving messages for others.

I love it when someone (usually a hippie) decides that because they don't like some technology that noone else uses it. I for one love voicemail, I use it daily, practically hourly to communicate with many people, and many people use it to communicate with me.

Why? For one, it's free, no annoying text messaging fees (I hate text messaging), it's more accessible than email, and it works even when my cell phone is turned off, out of range, or out of juice.

Just a note...if you're calling me, and don't leave a voicemail, I won't return your call, because you obviously had no reason for calling in the first place.

Voicemail is not dead, no more so than land-line phones are dead.

The $4 "Tumble"

CNN reports that oil prices have "tumbled" by $4.00 a barrel. Excuse me, but I don't think this qualifies as a "tumble."

If the new TV I want changes from $2,399 to $499, THAT's a tumble. A $140 barrel of oil suddenly becoming $136 is more like a 24-hour semi-annual never-having-it-again sale.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cellphone law may not make roads safer

No shit? You mean hands-free devices don't fix the problem? I would have never guessed.

Some highlights:

"the new law doesn't specifically prohibit text-messaging while driving for those 18 and older."

"Banning handheld cell phones has a big effect on making people feel good about passing a law," Radar said. "Whether it's going to increase safety on the roads is doubtful."

Oh well, I guess the California politicians can feel good about themselves, and the police get to give more tickets, which always makes them happy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

McCain's Finance Law Dealt Blow by Court

Campaign finance law takes new hit - No funding break for candidates with rich opponents, justices rule.

Looks like McCain's hopes for rich guys electability is squashed. Too bad people can use money they earn.

Oil hits $142, analysts foresee $150

Hello.....I'm not an analyst and I'll call $'s just a matter of time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oil Production Up, Oil Production Down

Someone somewhere thinks that gas will return to $1.25, they think that by opening oil drilling off the coast of the US we can stop our reliance on foreign oil, they also think the Toyota Prius is the answer to the environmental crisis (of course to believe that, you have to believe there IS an environmental crisis). I envy this person.

Why, you ask? Because they live in peace, they really think that tomorrow, it will cost only $18.00 to fill up their VW micro-bus, or Burger King will get a special order right on the first try. No, really, they think that; and for that reason, they have fewer gray hairs than I do.

The Saudis are increasing oil production while Chevron has just had some uber-critical pipe blown out of the sky (well, the field, no doubt). It's $4.00 a gallon folks, get used to it.

Oh, by the way, the solution to gas prices (note I did not say "fuel" prices) is not only in oil production, but also in it's refinement. There hasn't been an oil refinery built in 20-something years.

What’s Obscene? Google Could Have an Answer

The New York Times reports that Florida is planning to base what is "obscene" on a community "measurement" -- which, of course, could include searches on Google.

The fact of the matter is that our prude, innocent society searches for pornography more than any other thing -- so all those offended people out there, are only offended when someone's looking.

Keeping violence, profanity, and nudity from children is fine, they are too young to understand exactly what's going on, but to keep it from everyone just because someone would like to look innocent is ridiculous.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Delta Sigma Bottle

Apparently, a group of 17 high school students made a pact to get pregnant and raise the children together. We are teenagers, we know everything.

McCain Blasts Obama For Standing Up To Principals

When one candidate sticks to a promise, that no candidate has in years (maybe forever), the political people (especially the opponent) just doesn't know what to do.

Obama's decision not to accept nearly $85 million in public financing changes the rules for his fund raising. McCain begins attacking him.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh, Thank You Veterans

Granted, there are always exceptions, but it makes me sick to see how this country treats service men and women who are injured. Granted, this example, doesn't involve a trip to Iraq, but still.

Firefox 3 Released

Go get your copy of Firefox 3.

Man orders pet python to attack police officers

From Yahoo News
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - Bridgeport police say they arrested a city man after he ordered his pet to attack two officers. Lucky for them that 9-foot-long pythons aren't very obedient.

Luckily it wasn't the ever-so-obedient 2-foot-long python.

Police Lt. James Viadero says 21-year-old Victor Rodriguez was charged with threatening police and disorderly conduct after Monday's incident. No one was hurt.

Officers were called to Rodriguez's apartment on a report that he was threatening his girlfriend with the pet reptile.

Woman, do them dishes or I'm sicking fluffy on you!!

Viadero says that when the building superintendent opened the apartment door for the officers, Rodriguez allegedly threatened them with the snake and told it to "Get them!"

Clever attack call, couldn't you have come up with something more clever?

Rodriguez and his pet were both taken away: Rodriguez to jail on a $10,000 bond, and the albino python to the city's animal control shelter.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ooh Ooh Ooh Look at Me I'm Green!!!

Honda has shipped the first Clarity, their new fuel cell car. The zero-emission (well, ok, it emits water) vehicle is apparently on some boat somewhere floating towards Hollywood. Now, nothing against Honda, but the response to this is going to make me laugh for a while.

The first to jump out of their seats are the stars in Hollywood, who apparently, are eager to rid themselves of their Prius in order to make an even bolder statement - Hydrogen baby.

Of course, you can't exactly buy Hydrogen just anywhere (I think you have to find a Zepplin BP), but does that matter, of course not, you could be pushing your...ahem....having your butler push you around in your Clarity and you'd still be seen driving it....and after all, that's all that really matters.

Thank God They Got Him

Man gets ticket for going topless in public

A Maryland man has been ticketed for being topless. Let's get this straight - a police officer (probably two) took the time to stop and ticket a guy for walking down the street (minding his own business) without a t-shirt.


G-8 raises alarm over rising oil prices

G-8 raises alarm over rising oil prices

Nothing like being right on top of things. You're just now looking at rising oil prices?

Can America Overcome its Racism?

Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee for President this year. Unprecedented. I voted for him.

However, as much as I want to see Barack walking into the Oval Office, I can't help but think that this country just can't do it. This country was literally founded by slave owners. Now, the same country wants a black man to be President. Amazing. It shows astounding progress, maturity, common sense, and wisdom. Therefore, I just can't see this country pulling it off.

When I think of wisdom and progres....the USA rarely comes to mind. Not to say I don't love my country, but honestly people. This country has spawnned the likes of Paris Hilton. Any place that can come up with that....well, we're screwed.

What do you think? Can this country actually overcome petty bickering left over for centuries (for no good reason, I might add) and elect Barack?

Oh, and by the way, before anyone goes flying off on a tangent, I'm not black, and I'm not a woman. So, I'm a white male (landowner for what it means anymore) who's voting for Barack.

Majority Thinks Obama Will Win

Boston Globe: A majority thinks Obama will win

Oh, well thank goodness. People's thoughts are now newsworthy? Honestly people. Noone knows who's going to win (except me, and I'm not telling).